University of Cape Town List of Recordings
- July 23, 2018
- Posted by: WOFAPS
- Category: Education Technology Web Meetings
List of all the online recordings of recent talks by University of Cape Town done using Adobe
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia by Prof Dirk Tobboel (9/3/2010)
Advanced Endoscopic Surgery (22/9/2010)
Cushing’s Disease & Surgery (10/8/2010)
Paediatric surgery & urology quiz 0
Paediatric surgery & urology quiz 1
Paediatric surgery & urology quiz 2 (15/10/2010)
Disordered Sexual Differentiation and electric burns 1 by Dr Minette Coetzee
Disordered Sexual Differentiation and electric burns 2 by Dr Minette Coetzee
Disordered Sexual Differentiation and electric burns 3 (19/11/2010) by Dr Minette Coetzee
Ambiguous Genitalia (19/11/2010) by Dr Dirk Von Delft
Establishing a Paediatric Trauma Unit by Prof Sebastian Van As
Paediatric Abdominal Trauma by Dr Andre Theron
Paediatric Chest Trauma by Prof Sebastian Van As
Abdominal Trauma in Children by Prof Sebastian Van As
Alcohol & Children (30/11/2010) by Prof Sebastian Van As
The Phylogeny & Ontogeny of the Lung (8/12/2010)
Hydatid Cyst_2 (4/1/2011) by Dr Dirk Von Delft
Histopathology 2 (21/1/2011)
Histopathology Meeting (23/9/2011)
Histopathology Meeting
RXH Paediatric Surgery Histopathology (5/2012)
RXH Paediatric Surgery Histopathology (8/2012)
Clinical & Pathalogy Cases
Intussusception (28/1/2011)
Hydatid cyst by Dr Ahmed Al Sarayi
Hydatid Disease by Dr Dirk Von Delft
A vicious cycle of love and hydatid disease by Dr Mukuhi Ng’ang’a (4/2/2011)
Gastrostomy: Journal club (8/2/2011)
Abdominal compartment Syndrome (11/2/2011)
Acute Scrotum by Dr Herbet Melariri (12/11/2011)
Inguinal hernias
Undescended testes and Varicocele by Dr Sharon Cox
Paediatric Surg for general surgeons
Appendicitis in Children by Dr Richard Wood
Paediatric Surg for general surgeons (14/2/2011)
Oesophageal atresia by Dr Situma Martin
Long Gap oesophageal atresia by Prof AJW Millar
Oesophageal fistulae-novel treatments or good old fashioned surgery by Dr David Tusker (8/4/2011)
Congenital abdominal wall defects by Dr Karen Milford (4/3/2011)
Duodenal atresia by Dr Gertruida van Niekerk (11/3/2011)
Vascular Extension of Renal Tumours by Dr Dirk Von Delft (25/3/2011)
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease by Dr Stanley Mugambi Machoki
Nissen Fundoplication
Undescended testes 1 and 2 by Dr David Tasker
Ureterocele (18/6/2011)
Oral examination questions
Small bowel atresia & stenosis by Dr Stanley Mugambi Machoki
Meconium disease
Histopathology 1
Choledochal cysts 0
Choledochal cysts
Choledochusl cysts
Chodedochal cysts
Chodedochal cysts
Surgical Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Paediatric Surgery
The law of small numbers
Intra-abdominal infection in immunocompromised children: Approch to Management
A box of chocolates
Git Foreign bodies
Magnet ingestion in children
Breast disease in children
Bowel Management Protocols after repair of Anorectal Malformation: Is it so easy
Necrotizing Enterocolitis: Early standard & fluorescein laparoscopic intervention
Paediatric soft tissue infections
Necrotising Fasciitis
Iatrogenic perforation of oesophagus
Sigmoid volvulus
Urodynamic Primer
Approach to Testicular Regression Syndrome
Final Mas for PUJ Obstruction
The Ethics of operating without investigation
Paediatric pain
ECMO beyond the neonatal period: for better for worse
Oesophageal Varicies Management in Children
Some Surgical Aspect of the Management of Portal Hypertension
Portal Hypertension-The MesoRex Shunt
Sirs and Sepsis in burns
Toxic shock Sydrome in Paediatric Burns and other Surgical Settings
Splenectomy in children
Paediatric spleen talk
Neonatal soft tissue tumors
Sacrococcygeal teramtoma
Renovascular Hypertension
Takayasu’s Arteritis in children
Skills training with tele-education
Snake bites
SASES web meeting
Pancreatic trauma in children
Pancreatic Injury with blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children
Ovarian cysts
Rectal Prolapse
Anorectal Malformations: Laparoscopy
Web Based Teaching in Surgery & Medicine
High volume training in Paediatric Surger
Paediatric Surgeon & Fetal Interventions
Policlinico Mian-4
Cholecystitis in children
Colorectal OPD
Karl storz
Paediatric Elbow Trauma
Pre-Pilot planning PIO – Kangaroo Mother Care
Aspects to be clarified
Pre-Pilot planning
Reflective parent intervention in young children post burn injury
Gastric pull-up
Research symposium
Nothing is being shared
Kenneth Paul Marcus Lecture
Ascariasis with focus on Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic disease
Impact of Surgery in Nephroblastoma
Exomphalos – placental liver
WOFAPS-7 (to view this recording, please enter the required passcode)
How to deal with the impalpable testis
WOFAPS-9(to view this recording, please enter the required passcode)
WOFAPS-11 (to view this recording, please enter the required passcode)
WOFAPS 2016 Modern Paediatric Burn Care
Abdominal Trauma in Children
Management of Hypospadias Lesson Learned
To view this recording please enter the required passcode
Global burden of pediatric surgical disease: generating data for global action
Ovarian Tumours
Fundoplication in infants and children
Chest Wall Masses in Children
WOFAPS _EXCO 2017/02/15 (To view this recording please enter the required passcode)
Lymphatic malformations (Brain or Bowel)
Lymphatic malformations
Prevention of Surgical Site Infections
Appendicitis – where do we stand today in 2016
Neonatal airway obstruction: a case study
Empyema Thoracis and abscess
Constipation & bowel management-0
Management of Constipation
Maintenance therapy in Japan
2016 Web tabanli egitim
Thyroid and parathyroid
Organ donor foundation
Tiny Volcanoes and other problems: Rare tumor of the adrenal glands
Gastrointestinal duplication cysts
Surgicla Aspect of Salmonella Infection
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia in Japan
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
CHD & FETO procedure a new population of patients
Management of Anorectal Malformations
Male Anorectal Malformations Our Management
Kidney Transplantation: what’s known and what’s new?
Alimentary Duplication Cysts
Biliary Atresia
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation
Vascular Access in Paediatric Patients
Pancreatic Trauma in Children
Pancreatic Injury with Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ethical considerations in pediatric transplant donation
Vesicoureteric Reflux an Overview
Non-operative treatement of apendicitis
Meckel’s diverticulum
Esophageal Atresia & Tracheoesophageal Fistula Malformations
Long gap Oesophageal atresia & experience with the Foker Procedure
International pediatric surgery oncology 2
A case for Dr house
Chest wall deformity
Chest wall Deformity
The Acute Scrotum
Trauma Series
Vascular Anomalies
Vena Cava extension ofRenal Tumors in Children
Aspiration Foreign Body
Renal, Ureteric + Bladder Trauma
Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease in Children
Penetrating Trauma Children
Benign Liver Lesions
Malignant Liver Tumours
Story time: A history of Paediatric Surgery
Balanitis Xerotica Oblitrans BXO
Improvising when there is no equipment
CK 4 year old
Saving Young Lives PD Workshop Case Studies
Acute Kidney Injury Part 1
Management of AKI
Connective Tissue Diseases for the Nephrologist
Renal Skills course 2016
Complications of Acute PD
RR -RD 467 -M6 Solutions in Peritoneal Dialysis
BicaVera – a prure bicarbonate PD solution
Paediatric SLED: A brief overview
Improvesing when there is no equipment
2018 SYL for sites
Laparoscopic salvage of Tenckhoff catheters
Setting up Chronic PD Programs in Africa and what are some of the Challenges
Adult issues related to PD
Percutaneous Tenckhoff Insertion