Obituary: Jay L Grosfeld 1935 – 2016
Jay L Grosfeld, Lafayette F. Page Emeritus Professor of Paediatric Surgery, was born in 1935 in New York. He trained in Paediatric Surgery at the Columbus Children’s Hospital and was appointed first Professor and Director of Paediatric Surgery at the Indiana University and the Riley Children’s Hospital in 1972, a post he held until his retirement in 2003. In1985 he was appointed Chairman of the Department of Surgery, the first paediatric surgeon in the USA to be so honoured.
Prof Grosfeld, Jay as he was universally known, was recognized as an outstanding clinician and teacher, master surgeon and innovative scientific investigator. His contributions to children’s surgery and research were paralleled by a deep interest in medical education. He won numerous teaching awards, published more than 500 scientific articles, over 140 book chapters and 10 textbooks. He was Chairman of the American Board of Surgery, President of the World Federation of Associations of Paediatric Surgeons [WOFAPS] 1999 – 2001. He initiated the important ‘Kyoto Declaration of Pediatric Surgery’ of the WOFAPS while President, which clearly defined the minimal requirements for the surgical care of children. He also oversaw the establishment of the WOFAPS Foundation, as an important educational arm of the WOFAPS.
Prof. Grosfeld was Chairman of the Surgical Section of the American Academy of Paediatrics and President of the American Paediatric Surgical Association and in 2013 was made First vice-President of the American College of Surgeons. During his career he received many honors including the William E. Ladd Medal from the American Academy of Paediatrics, which is the highest honour that can be bestowed on a paediatric surgeon in America; the Sir Denis Browne Gold Medal awarded by the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons and the Fritz Rhebein Medal from the European Association of Pediatric Surgeons. He was made Honorary Fellow of many of the established Surgical Colleges around the world.
Prof. Grosfeld was Editor-in Chief of the Journal of Paediatric Surgery from 1994. He also initiated the very popular Seminars in Paediatric Surgery and was a senior editor of the renowned 2 volume textbook ‘Paediatric Surgery’. For several generations of pediatric surgeons, Prof. Grosfeld was a great friend, mentor and role model, who helped show the way in pediatric surgery, as an inspirational leader through personal contact within the WOFAPS, his longstanding editorship of the Journal of Pediatric Surgery and Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, his many outstanding lectures delivered at national and international congresses and meetings; and in his organization for over 30 years of the Pediatric Surgical Program, on behalf of the WOFAPS, of the International Surgical week, now known as the World Congress of Surgery.
Jay Grosfeld was a giant in the world of Paediatric Surgery and through his endeavours in clinical practice, research and education he changed the lives of so many children. His presence in our community of pediatric surgeons around the world and within the WOFAPS will be sorely missed.
He is survived by his ever supportive wife of 56 years, Marge, 5 children and 17 grandchildren. All the WOFAPS Fellowship of pediatric surgeons mourn his passing and extend heartfelt condolences to Marge and all his family.
Author: Prof A J W Millar
Dr.Grosfeld saved my life when I was six years old.I developed a tumor on my right kidney and had cancer.Dr Grosfeld removed my kidney and saved my life I’m so thankful for him.Thank you Doc