We would like to announce you our meeting “Masterclass in Pediatric Urogenital Reconstructive Surgery: DSD XX” that will take place on September 28-30, 2017 in Hospital Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona (Spain).
DSD surgery is a field of great interest in pediatric urology, not only because of its complex surgical approach , but due to its psychsocial impact.
Our center has performed genital reconstruction surgery since Rafael Gosalbes Jordà founded our Pediatric Urology Unit. Therefore it’s a privilege for us to invite you to participate in this first masterclass of Pediatric reconstructive urogenital surgery.
In this first edition we will focus on surgery of congential adrenal hyperplasia or DSD XX, its diagnosis and different techniques like total or partial urogenital mobilization, laparoscopic assisted urogenital mobilization and anterior sagittal transrectal approach.
With the aim of throughly discuss indications and gain insight into details of the surgical technique we have assembled a renowned and experimental faculty of international surgeons.
The course is composed of a theorical and practical modules, through live and pre-recorded surgeries and round tables. The last day we will have a panel of clinical cases contribuited by the attendees, to share knowledge and debate those complex patients with the experts and the audience.
We would like to request your Institutional support in the promotion of our Course by publishing and advertising this brief information through your website congress agenda or any other mean you may use such as electronic mails to be sent to your membership lists, should you deem it appropriate.
Kindly find a link to our meeting website for details on registration:
Secretaría Técnica: Aula Vall Hebron
Tel: 693.785.436