Led by Dr. Alberto Peña and Dr. Andrea Bischoff, renowned pediatric surgeons from the International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care at Children’s Hospital Colorado, the Peña Course is a three-day intensive workshop with live surgical demonstrations. The course is designed for pediatric surgeons, urologists, gynecologists and gastroenterologists, as well as pediatric nurses managing patients with colorectal issues. During the course you will view three carefully selected operative demonstrations, including surgical/technical maneuvers to be performed during the repair of anorectal malformations and Hirschsprung’s disease.
Attendees’ outcome
Attendees will be able to propose practice improvements to their teams based on evidence-based guidelines, tools and resources presented at the conference.
Peña Course objectives
At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Review the principles of diagnosis and management of anorectal defects
- Discuss the challenges of short-and long-term postoperative care
- Explain the principles of treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease and related disorders
- Describe the diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s disease and idiopathic constipation, and the difference in their management
- Recognize indications for re-operative surgery
- Discuss management of associated urologic and gynecologic problems
- Review the comprehensive management approach to cloacal exstrophy
- Explain or outline the use of the posterior sagittal approach for a variety of conditions
Live operative demonstrations
This three-day intensive teaching course will examine the surgical treatment and management of pediatric anorectal and colorectal surgical problems including:
- Live operating room demonstrations with discussion
- Methods of evaluation of surgical techniques
- Anorectal malformations
- Cloacal malformations
- Cloacal exstrophy
- Prognosis of these deformities
- Hirschsprung’s disease
- Idiopathic constipation
For more details and registration click here