Article 6: Official bodies
The official bodies of the Federation are:
a) the General Meeting of the Federation (GM)
b) the Executive Committee
c) the statutory auditor, if not waived
A. The General Meeting of the Association (GM)
Article 7: Ordinary General Meeting of the Federation
The ordinary GM is held once every three years during the World Congress. Each member sends a representative.
The Secretary General/Treasurer informs all the members of the Federation no later than three months before the GM of the date and place of the meeting. He invites all members and the Executive Committee to submit to the President or to the Secretariat comments, suggestions and/or recommendations and, where appropriate, nominations for election.
No later than three months before the GM, the Secretary General/Treasurer will send an invitation to attend the GM to all the members. The invitation includes the agenda.
Members may put questions for discussion on topics which do not appear on the agenda. Such questions will be discussed under the item “Varia”. The GM may defer these questions until the next meeting.
Article 8: Chairmanship
The GM is convened and presided over by the President or, if he is unable to attend, by the Past-President or, if he too is unable to attend, by the President-Elect and in his absence it shall be presided over by the oldest active member of the Executive Committee.
Article 9: Agenda/Minutes
The President signs the agenda and is responsible for all items. All comments and suggestions of the members which have been received in due time and approved by the Executive Committee and all items which were proposed by members of the Executive Committee shall be included on the agenda.
Minutes shall be drawn up and signed by the President and by the keeper of the minutes.
Article 10: Extraordinary General Meeting of the Federation
If at least 50% of the representatives so agree, an extraordinary GM may be held after a meeting of the Executive Committee. Only minor administrative changes to the Federation may be discussed and decided at this GM.
Further extraordinary GMs may be convened if at least 20% of the members or a majority of the Executive Committee so request. In that case, the invitation to attend shall be sent out no later than one month before the date set for the meeting.
Important decisions may only be taken at an ordinary GM.
Article 11: Powers
The GM has the following inalienable powers:
a) Approval of the minutes of the previous GM
b) Adoption of the triennial report by the President, the annual account statement and the balance sheet, together with the report of the audit body
c) Grant of a release to the Executive Committee and to the audit body
d) Adoption of the annual budget
e) Election and recall of the President and of two Vice-Presidents, the other members of the Executive Committee, the Webmaster and the audit body
f) Approval of the Secretary General/Treasurer as recommended by the Executive Committee
g) Determination of the venue of the World Congress, election of the President of the Congress
h) Amendments to the constitution
i) Adoption, amendment and cancellation of regulations
j) Discussion of motions presented by the Executive Committee and by the members
k) Dissolution of the Association and liquidation of the assets of the Federation.
Article 12: Decision-making
Each member has one vote. Representation by another member or a third person is prohibited.
Decisions are taken by a simple majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tied vote, the President shall have the casting vote. No vote may be taken on matters which are dealt with under the heading of “Varia”. Abstentions are not taken into account for the purpose of calculating the majority.
Votes and elections are generally held by a show of hands with voting papers and secret ballot used only if the President so orders.
In the case of elections of the members of the Executive Committee and chairmen of the commissions, the candidate who has received 50% + 1 vote shall be elected. In the case of voting for the venue of the World Congress, if on the first round there is no overall majority of greater than 50% of votes cast, there will be an exhaustive ballot system with further rounds of voting, where the venue with the least number of votes is excluded from each ballot until an overall winner is arrived at.
Article 13: Term of office/Functions
The GM elects a President and two Vice-Presidents for a term of office of three years. It likewise elects the President of the Congress. One of the two Vice- Presidents shall be designated as the future President. The other Vice-President may be confirmed in office for a further term of office of three years.
The GM elects the Webmaster on a proposal by the Executive Committee.
B. Executive Committee
Article 14: Tasks, constitution and signatory powers for the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee decides on all matters which are not reserved for a different official body, in particular on:
a) Management of the Federation, subject to the powers of the GM
b) Implementation of the decisions of the GM
c) Representation of the Federation in relation to third parties
d) Nomination of the Secretary General/Treasurer
e) Preparation and conduct of the GM, in particular of the elections
f) Drafting of the constitution, motions and by-laws.
The Executive Committee is constituted as follows:
The President, the two Vice-Presidents, the Past-President, the chairman of the grant fund (or the president of a Foundation if there is one) and the Secretary General/Treasurer are automatically members of the Executive Committee. A further maximum of nine members are elected by the GM. The different regions of the world are to be suitably represented.
In the sense of an extended Executive Committee, the Webmaster, Assistant Secretary and the Congress President may attend the meetings without being members and therefore with no voting powers.
The President and the Secretary General/Treasurer have authority to sign individually.
The Executive Committee may grant signatory powers to persons who are not members of the Executive Committee.
Article 15: Decision-making
Decisions of the Executive Committee are taken by a simple of majority of the persons present. In the event of a tied vote, the President has the casting vote. The Executive Committee has a quorum if at least 50% plus 1 members of the Executive Committee are present.
Each member, with the exception of the Webmaster and of the President of the Congress, has one vote.
Article 16: Election/Term of office
Possible members must be notified to the Secretary General/Treasurer at least two months before the ordinary GM. Members of the Executive Committee may likewise make nominations.
The members must be drawn from the following regions: 1 from Africa, 2 from Asia, 1 from Australia and New Zealand, 1 from Europe, 1 from the Middle East and Mediterranean, 1 from North America and 2 from Latin America and the Caribbean.
The elected members take up their office on 1 January after the election by the GM. The President-Elect and Vice-Presidents are proposed by the Executive Committee and confirmed at the GM. The Secretary General/Treasurer is elected for a three-year term of office and may be confirmed in office for a further three years. He must inform the Executive Committee in good time whether he is available for the second term of office.
The next Secretary General/Treasurer is proposed by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the GM, if possible one year but no later than six months before the election. Should the Secretary General/Treasurer be unable to perform his duties any longer, the oldest member of the Executive Committee shall take over his duties until the end of the term of office.
The Secretary General/Treasurer may, with the consent of the Executive Committee, appoint an assistant secretary and an administrative assistant. The assistant secretary is not entitled to vote in the Executive Committee but may attend the Executive Committee meetings. His/her term of office is identical to that of the Secretary General/Treasurer. The Secretary General/Treasurer nominated for election may be appointed as the assistant secretary.
Article 17: Meetings
At least two meetings are held each year. Each member must take part in at least one such meeting, preferably the meeting which is held during the annual regional meeting of WOFAPS. That meeting is held alternately in one of the world regions. Travel expenses will be paid to one of the meetings depending on the financial situation of WOFAPS.
In urgent cases, meetings may also be held by Skype, telephone or Internet conference.
Article 18: Term of office
The members of the Executive Committee are elected for a first term of office of three years. With the exception of the President and of the Past-President, they, including the Secretary General/Treasurer, may be confirmed in office for a further term of three years.
Article 19: Audit body
As long as the requirements for an ordinary or restricted audit are not met, the Federation may organize the audit as it thinks fit.
The GM elects in each case for a one-year term of office an audit body which must be an auditor who is recognized in compliance with the provisions of the Auditor Oversight Act. Re-election is permitted.
The provisions governing the conduct of the audit shall apply by analogy to the restricted audit.